• If you live in an apartment, there may be rules on the types of plants you can grow and where you can grow them. It’s always a good idea to check with your body corporate or landlord before starting your garden. 

There is no such thing as ‘too small’ when it comes to planning an urban garden. Even if you have very little floor space, you can use the walls and air space for a vertical garden.

  • depend on a couple of factors; sunlight, space, and season. For example, consider the following suggestions; 
  • Large space, direct sunlight, summer: Lemon, pineapple, watermelon, carrot
  • Large space, direct sunlight, winter: Beans, lettuce, pumpkin, lemongrass
  • Large space, indirect sunlight, summer: Beetroot, asparagus, cucumber
  • Large space, indirect sunlight, winter: Onions, rosemary, spinach
  • Small space, direct sunlight, summer: Strawberries, blueberries, passionfruit
  • Small space, direct sunlight, winter: Blackberries, chilli, kaffir lime leaves
  • Small space, indirect sunlight, summer: Asian greens, broccoli, bok choy
  • Small space, indirect sunlight, winter: Mint, parsley, basil, kale

You might need to make a trip to Bunnings to get everything you need for your garden. You’ll want to pick up soil, seeds, pots (ground pots or vertical planters depending on your space limitations), plant food, and a trowel.

The final step is to get the seeds into the soil. Make sure you research to find the right time to plant the seeds, how deep to plant them, and how spaced apart they need to be. 

Rural areas with more agricultural industry tend to use pesticides harmful to bee populations. Urban gardens are safer places for bees to live and thrive.

The wide range of plants, vegetables, fruits, and flowers encourages bee populations to grow. In return, bees stimulate the growth of more fresh produce. So whether you’ve got a small veggie garden on the balcony or you volunteer in a local community garden, you’ll find the bees will give you a higher yield of produce. 

Bees thrive in urban environments because there are less natural predators, so they can pollinate in peace. 

You’ll need a queen to start your hive, and Buzzbee has many healthy queen bees available. We also have honeybees available for sale, so you can start your hive straight away.  

Most urban beekeepers look for options that don’t require too much space and choose something simple, like the Buzzbee Mason Hive for Native Bees. However, if your urban garden is on a rooftop, you may have room for a larger hive. Whatever you’re after, Buzzbee has a range of beehives ideal for any space. 

Setting up a beehive in your apartment in Melbourne is easy with the beekeeper starter kit. It contains all the tools, feed, and pest control products you’ll need to help your bees thrive. Our beekeeper starter kits are designed to suit all budgets, so if you’re wondering ‘how much does it cost to start a beehive?’, you can find the right kit for your needs. 

If you’re wondering how to start an urban garden and a Melbourne apartment beehive, the Buzzbee team is here to help

At Buzzbee, we’re here to do so much more than provide the right beekeeping equipment and tools; we’re also here to support and serve beekeepers with the information they need to make the best decisions for their bees. We’re here to help you foster your passion for bees and thrive as a beekeeper. An urban garden is ideal for sustainable beekeeping in Melbourne, so if you’re wondering how to start an urban garden, chat with one of the Buzzbee team today!